Art Class 101

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

B/W Sample

I'm sure that my software doesn't have this capability, but it is very interesting to know, since I really love black and white photography. Thanks Ted. I also had a chance to take some portraits at a family reunion this last weekend, but most fun were of some of kids running around. I'll post one of Katie's cousin whom I snuck up on.

I also bought some material for portrait back drops. Who knows, soon I might actually buy a computer and photo software.... No, probably not.



At 10:12 AM, Blogger Art Class said...

Great Picture Matt! I Love to see the emotion, it hits you hard the minute you see it. Is it a crop or is this the whole picture? I love the way you got in close and the overcast day gave great soft lighting. You definitely created a Photograph with this one. This is no snap shot! You must have been zoomed in and had a larger aperture because the background has a nice blur that doesn’t distract from your subject. This picture needs no help but you should play with some cropping to see if moving her to the left in the frame and taking her out of the center would appeal to you. I often try this with good results. The rule of thirds is not a rule you can’t break but it usually creates a better image even when the image is great to start with. This is going to tie into the next activity so stay tuned…


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